The Music

"Requiem Solution". Kleerup ft. Loreen

La cantante revelación en Europa de 2012 vuelve con un tema de corte intimista. Una melodía que permite conocer un registro diferente de Loreen.

Andreas Kleerup es un productor musical sueco que se ha puesto al frente de varios grupos y que ha compuesto temas para artistas como Cyndi Lauper. Este 2013 se alía con Loreen, una de las voces revelación de 2012, y le brinda 'Requiem Solution', un tema que permite conocer un registro diferente de la cantante de 'Euphoria'.

Con este tema, la sueca con ascendencia marroquí vuelve a encaramarse a la lista de éxitos de su país, y amenaza con volver a ser número 1 en toda Europa, como ocurrió tras su éxito en Bakú en mayo.

I watched you begin again
Had it all figured out
See what you got, from knocking on heaven’s door
You put yourself to rest down a river
When you woke up you were touched by an angel
Nothing left to be found
Nowhere to be safe, you’ve been here before
So, you’re down on your knee’s
Begging for ends to meet
You went up, you went down all around
But there’s nothing to be found
Am I gonna see you next autumn
I’ll be there when you’re falling
It’s alright, no doubt, somehow
You will find your way

Am I gonna see you?
Am I gonna see you?
Paying the price based on an ending
So what you’ve done
You got nowhere to run, after knocking on heaven’s door
You lay yourself to rest down the river
When you woke up were touched by an angel
Nothing left to be found
Nowhere to be safe
You’ve been here before
So, you’re down on your knees
Begging for ends to meet
You went up, you went down all around
But there’s nothing to be found
Am I gonna see you next autumn
I’ll be there when you’re falling
It’s alright, no doubt
You will find your way

Am I gonna see you next autumn
I’ll be there when you’re falling
It’s alright
You will find your way