The Music

End of the line. Traveling Wilburys

Un efímero y excelente grupo de country rock americano con Petty, Dylan, Orbison, Harrison y Lynne...

Travelling Wilburys fue un grupo de estrellas y de un par de discos, el primero de ellos forma parte de lo más granado de la música americana, la única sombra que se cierne sobre él es la tristeza que dejó tras grabarlo Roy Orbison, pues falleció por aquel entonces.

Roy Orbison fue uno de los miembros de Travelling Willburys junto a Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, George Harrison y Bob Dylan; juntos grabaron el volumen 1 al que hacíamos referencia y a continuación, ya sin Orbison, el volumen 3...

Os preguntaréis ¿qué fue del volumen 2? nosotros también nos lo preguntamos...

End of the line es el último sigle del volumen 1 y, en la grabación del video, el grupo rinde homejane a Roy Orbison incluyéndolo de algún modo en aquella grabación al colocar su guitarra y su retrato sobre una mecedora junto al resto del grupo.

Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, doing the best you can
Well it's all right, as long as you lend a hand

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring
Waiting for someone to tell you everything
Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring
Maybe a diamond ring

Well it's all right, even if they say you're wrong
Well it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strong
Well it's all right, as long as you got somewhere to lay
Well it's all right, everyday is judgement day

Maybe somewhere down the road aways
Youll think of me, and wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays
Purple haze

Well it's all right, even when push comes to shove
Well it's all right, if you got someone to love
Well it's all right, everythingll work out fine
Well it's all right, were going to the end of the line

Don't have to be ashamed of the car I drive
Im just glad to be here, happy to be alive
It don't matter if you're by my side
Im satisfied

Well it's all right, even if you're old and grey
Well it's all right, you still got something to say
Well it's all right, remember to live and let live
Well it's all right, the best you can do is forgive

Well it's all right, riding around in the breeze
Well it's all right, if you live the life you please
Well it's all right, even if the sun don't shine
Well it's all right, were going to the end of the line