strange talk
The Music

Cast Away. Strange Talk

A finales de abril, el cuarteto australiano Strange Talk editará en todo el mundo su primer álbum.

Gerard Sidhu (bajo y teclados), Stephen Docker (compositor, letrista, cantante y teclados), Gillan Gregory (guitarra y teclados) y Travis Constable (batería) son los cuatro miembros de Strange Talk, una joven banda de Melbourne, de pop alternativo muy pegadizo y bailongo que se acerca a las radio fórmulas y a las pistas de baile por el uso en sus composiciones de los sintetizadores y la electrónica. Juntos desde 2010, la carrera de Strange Talk se ha ido construyendo a base de singles, ya llevan seis en total, y de un Ep. El éxito, mayor con cada nuevo disco, tanto a través de medios tradicionales australianos como de las redes sociales de modo global, han levantado una enorme expectación sobre su primer larga duración. El álbum “Casta Away”, que se editó en su país en febrero del pasado año, verá la luz en todo el mundo el próximo 29 de abril a través del sello Wind-Up Records. Líneas de bajo profundas, melodías eufóricas y ritmos contagiosos, en la onda de grupos como Phoenix, Daft Punk o Two Door Cinema Club, junto a influencias más clásicas como The Police o Queen materializan un cóctel chispeante y efervescente. Canciones como la que da título al álbum, con esa voz entrecortada, la profusión de sintetizadores ochenteros y sus tambores de hojalata seguro que será uno de los himnos del verano. Para momentos exultantes en los que el día no parece tener fin.

Everyday after day, another question for you If I could go back in time I’d find a reason for you The more I seem to try, another secret lies Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Set fire to the night, see ashes fall Set fire to the night, like into the night Set fire to the night, leave none behind Set fire to the night, set fire to the night Every end has a start just like a dream come true It won’t be long till you’ll find the feeling inside you Before we walk, we crawl, but we can only try Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Set fire to the night, see ashes fall Set fire to the night, like into the night Set fire to the night, leave none behind Set fire to the night, set fire to the night Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Cast away, from the train, I can give you what you want Walk away, from the flame, and no more make the same mistakes Set fire to the night, see ashes fall Set fire to the night, like into the night Set fire to the night, leave none behind Set fire to the night, set fire to the night Set fire to the night, see ashes fall Set fire to the night, like into the night Set fire to the night, leave none behind Set fire to the night, set fire to the night.