The Music

Take a chance. The magic numbers

La magia de los números está en un par de parejas ajenas a todo romance; son dos parejas de hermanos de vidas dispares que convergen en la música.

La magia de los números está en un par de parejas ajenas a todo romance, para evitar desencuentros posteriores, y es que son dos parejas de hermanos de orígenes, vidas e historias dispares que convergen en la música, en un delicioso sonido indie y sesentero.

Romeo y Michelle Stodarts, de ascendencia escocesa y pasado neoyorquino, abandonaban el programa 'weight watchers' -por aquello del buen estilo de vida y mejor aspecto- y, en la puerta giratoria de doble entrada que era entonces para ellos de salida, se cruzaron con Sean y Angela Gannon, de ascendencia irlandesa, que se unían a él; un encuentro casual que derivó en amistad y música, una relación creativa a la que avalan hoy tres álbumes que les han hecho vender más de un millón de discos en el mundo.

Todo empezó en 2002 y en 2005 llegaron el primer álbum y los conciertos compartiendo escenarios con gentes de la talla de Franz Ferdinand o los incuestionables U2; en 2006 publican su segundo álbum -al que pertenece este take a chance- y cuatro años después el tercero y último hasta la fecha; cuentan que en 2014 llegará el cuarto.

Y mientras esperamos, podemos disfrutar una deliciosa gira de conciertos; si vas a dejarte caer este verano por las Islas Británicas, no te pierdas a The magic numbers en concierto... y en acústico, todo un regalo para el buen gusto y la mejor música.

What you gonna do when it all breaks down
Take another heart through the lonely town
What you gonna do when she turns around
And says i never, ever thought that you'd be messing around
But then you dance, dance, dance,
with the woman that let you
How's it gonna feel until i catch you,
What you gonna do when she turns around
And says you broken another heart that was broken down,
It's a crying shame, that the love you've made
Is a cross that you bear when it's cold
Why don't you leave me alone?
Take a chance
with the woman that let you
Take a chance
with the woman that let you
How's it gonna feel up and down
Chasing another heart, there was zipping down
What you gonna do when you turn around
And says i never, ever thought that you'd be messing around
But then you dance, dance, dance,
with the woman that let you
How's it gonna feel until i catch you,
How you gonna fail where she had in mind
If you continue that of peachy that you now about
It's a crying shame, that the love you've made
It's a cross that you bear
It's a crying shame, that the love you've made
it's a cross that you bear when it's cold
Why don't you leave me alone?
Take a chance
with the woman that let you
Take a chance
with the woman that let you
Take a chance
Take a chance
What you gonna do when it all went down
Chasing another heart, Just little woman
How you gonna feel when you see her down
And says i never, ever thought that you'd be messing around
But then you dance, dance, dance,
with the woman that let you
What you gonna do until i catch you?
How you gonna feel when she turns around?
And says you broken another heart that was broken down,
It's a crying shame, that the love you've made
It's a crying shame, that the love you've made
It's a crying shame, that the love for you've won
Put your back on me
Put your back on me

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