The Music

"Pure imagination". Jamie Cullum

Un nuevo disco de Jamie Cullum en la calle desde este mes de mayo de este 2013 merece ser bien escuchado.

Un nuevo disco de Jamie Cullum en la calle desde este mes de mayo de este 2013 merece ser bien escuchado.

Os proponemos un segundo tema de ese álbum, Momentum.

Para esta tarde, este suave y tranquilo Pure Imagination.

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
What you'll find
When you look
Into your imagination

We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
Living there
You will see
What you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
Nothing to it

There is no
Life I know
That compares to
Pure imagination
What you'll find
When you look
Into your imagination

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
Nothing to it

There is no
Life I know
That compares to
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

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