
Painted On My Heart. The Cult

Painted on my heart fue un single lanzado en 1999 para la BSO de Gone in 60 seconds.

The Cult es una banda británica de hard rock que se formó con Ian Atsbury de vocal en 1981 con el nombre de Southern Death Cult.

A mediados de los 80, The Cult fue una de las principales bandas que hicieron resurgir el Hard rock en Inglaterra.

Fueron una banda de rock con algunos toques de psicodelia y una innegable imagen glam en parte de su carrera.

Painted on my heart fue un single lanzado en 1999 para la BSO de Gone in 60 seconds.

I thought . . .you'd be out of my mind
and i'd finally found a way to
learn to live without you
i thought . . .it was just a matter of time
till i had a hundred reasons
not to think about you
But it's just not so
and after all this time
i still can't let go
I've still got your face
painted on my heard
carved upon my soul
etched upon my memory . . .baby
And i've got your kiss
burning on my lips
the touch of her fingertips
is left so deep inside of me . . .baby
I was trying
everything that i can
to get my heart to forget you
but it just can't seem to
I guess it's just no use
in every part of me
is still a part of you
And i've still got your face
painted on my heart
carved upon my soul
etched upon my memory . . .baby
And i've got your kiss
burning on my lips
the tough of her fingertips
is left so deep inside of me . . .baby
I've still got your face
painted on my heart
painted on my heart
painted on my heart . . .baby
Something in your eyes keeps haunting
i'm trying to forget you
but i know there ain't no wayto
chase you from my mind
I've still got your face
painted on my heart
carved upon my soul
etched upon my memory . . .baby
And i've got your kiss
burning on my lips
the touch of her fingertips
is left so deep inside of me . . .baby
I've still got your face
i've still got your face
painted on my heart
painted on my h-e-a-r-t
Come on
come on
come on
come on
Come on
come on
Come on
come on
On my h-e-a-r-t
I've still got your face
painted on my heart

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