
No Sound But The Wind. Editors

Primero The Pride, ahora Editors y siempre Indie británico.

Editors es un grupo británico de Indie de la ciudad de Birminghan. Los integrantes, que se conocieron en la Universidad de Staffordshire.

La banda no ha sido conocida siempre por este nombre, siendo conocidos anteriormente como (The) Pride, antes de cambiar de integrantes y renombrarse Snowfield, siendo una famosa banda independiente.

Editors participaría en 2010 en la BSO de The twilight sasa: New moon con la canción No sound but the wind.

We can never go home
We no longer have one
I'll help you carry the load
I'll carry you in my arms
The kiss of the snow
The crescent moon above us
Our blood is cold
And we're alone
But I'm alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it alight together
Help me to carry the fire
It will light our way forever

If I say shut your eyes
If I say look away
Bury your face in my shoulder
Think of a birthday
The things you put in your head
They will stay here forever
Our blood is cold
And we're alone, love
But I'm alone with you

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it alight together
Help me to carry the fire
It will light our way forever

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it alight together
Now help me to carry the fire
It will light up our way forever

If I say shut your eyes
If I say shut your eyes
Bury me in suprise
Where I say shut your eyes

Help me to carry the fire
We will keep it alight together
Help me carry the fire
It will light our way forever

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