The Music

"I Never Liked You". Rogue Traders

Rockeros con mucha marcha desde Australia, los Rogue Traders fueron uno de los puntales de la música de ese país en la pasada década.

La historia de Rogue Traders es atípica. Como banda ha sufrido numerosas modificaciones, con miembros que abandonaban y otros que entraban hasta casi ser un equipo diferente en cada disco. Lo curioso es que consiguieron éxitos con prácticamente todos sus trabajos. Esta canción pertenece a su álbum 'Better in the Dark' y llegó a posicionarse en el Top 10 de Australia, el país del grupo.

Con un estilo rockero y muy gamberro, las canciones de la banda llaman a moverse y bailar como locos, sin importar coreografía; y las letras están a la altura, como el propio nombre de este tema deja entrever. Perfecto para comenzar la mañana con energía.

I'm sick of this dirty dress
I'm thinking I might do less, now
There's something I must confess, to you
You know how everydays
The same old everyways, well
I've got a secret to tell
I can't contain it anymore
Who's knocking at your door?

Hey! Surprise!
I never liked you, even when I tried to
Don't speak now it's my turn baby uh uh
I never liked you, and I won't pretend to

Hey! Look twice!
I never liked you even when I tried to
Can't you see the curtain's falling uh uh
Is there a reason you're still hangin' around?

That's right I'm waving goodbye
You always thought I'd play nice, well
You never thought at all
You look a little distressed
Am I looking my best, now
Here's something you can't possess

I can't contain it anymore
Who's knocking at your door?

Hey! Surprise!
I never liked you, even when I tried to
Don't speak now it's my turn baby uh uh
I never liked you, and I won't pretend to

Hey! Look twice!
I never liked you even when I tried to
Can't you see the curtain's falling uh uh
Is there a reason you're still hangin' around?

How could it suddenly be that we've come to this?
I'll drag you down to me, and then I'll switch your place
So you're the one that's stuck here with a picture of my face

Hey! Surprise!
I never liked you, even when I tried to
Don't speak now it's my turn baby uh uh
I never liked you, and I won't pretend to

Hey! Look twice!
I never liked you even when I tried to
Can't you see the curtain's falling uh uh

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